Why are there no political parties in Saudi Arabia? Then how is the Prime Minister selected there?


There was a time when kings had dominance everywhere. Now monarchy has ended in most of the countries of the world. But there are still some countries, where monarchical rule continues. Today we will tell you about one such country, Saudi Arabia, where monarchy continues even today. Know how this country is running without any political party and how the head of the country is chosen here. 

Monarchy in Saudi Arabia

There is no political party in Saudi Arabia. Because absolute monarchy is implemented in this country. Here the royal family itself chooses its new successor. Who is the Prime Minister and the head of the country. In Saudi Arabia, power is passed down from generation to generation. In simple language, Saudi Arabia is a monarchy. The king chooses his successor from among the men in his family. 

What is monarchy?

First of all let us understand what monarchy is. Monarchy means that the ruler in power is chosen from a particular family from generation to generation. In such a situation, the head of the country who sits on the throne is known as the emperor or king. The way in which the king is elected and the government is run is called monarchy. 

Know the types of monarchy?

Monarchy can be divided into four Is divided in different ways. In which the first is constitutional monarchy, second is absolute monarchy, third is federal monarchy and mixed monarchy.

Constitutional Monarchy

In constitutional monarchy, the monarch is the head of the constitutionally established government. Also divides power, but in this situation the emperor does not have any political power despite having formal duties and some responsibilities. For example, in England the king has to sign all laws to make them official, but he has no power to change or reject new laws. Japan, United Kingdom, Denmark have constitutional monarchy.

Absolute Monarchy

In absolute monarchy, the king has complete political power. They have all the rights including making and amending laws. They can also represent the country abroad and also have the right to appoint political leaders. In simple language, they have all the rights to run the country. Let us tell you that only 3 countries have complete monarchy. These countries include Saudi Arabia, Eswatini, and Vatican City. However, Vatican City has a population of only 1000 people.

Federal Monarchy

In a federal monarchy, the king works with the governments of those states. There are even monarchs who rule those states. This type of system is applicable in United Arab Emirates and Malaysia. An excellent example of federal monarchy can be seen in Malaysia. Where every five years the royal leaders of each state choose among themselves who will be the monarch or Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and the respective states. The monarchy in this country is also constitutional, which allows a democratically elected body to rule.

Mixed Monarchy 

Mixed Monarchy It is called the system in which the king can divide the powers for the country in some special ways. This system of governance is applicable in Jordan, Liechtenstein and Morocco.


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